
This project focusses on four goals.

  • Firstly, to define which multi-stress combinations (e.g. pollution (aerosol and ozone), drought, high temperatures, low soil fertility) are most likely to adversely affect crop resource use efficiency and ultimately crop growth, development, and yield.
  • Secondly, to describe the frequency, magnitude and geographical distribution of the most damaging of these multi-stress combinations and where they are most likely to occur across Europe both for the current day as well as the future (2050).
  • Thirdly, to use this information to identify new plant traits that could be bred for, and new crop management practices that could be employed by farmers, to help adapt to the stresses resulting from air pollution and climate change conditions.
  • Finally, through conducting this research in partnership with a variety of stakeholders, to understand the context within which these threats manifest themselves so as to identify appropriate, realistic and feasible solutions for their remediation.