Farmers' perception of the climate change impact on Romanian agriculture highlights issues related to the understanding/knowledge of Romanian farmers about the impact of climate change on agricultural crops from Romania. Also, within this activity is presented the involvement of the decision-makers in the effective support of the Romanian farmers regarding the measures of adaptation to the impact of climate change on agricultural crops.
A very important aspect is represented by the prevention and mitigation of the effects produced by the extreme weather events that most often cause damage in the Romanian crops, in this sense being necessary the existence of support systems for early warning of the occurrence of these dangerous phenomena with immediate impact. A very useful decision support system for Romanian farmers is the Agrometeorological Bulletin, a specialized product dedicated to the farmers, according to which they can adapt their calendar of agricultural works to the forecasted/estimated meteorological and agrometeorological conditions. In the Romanian agriculture, the risk management due to the dangerous meteorological phenomena mainly includes actions of management and conservation of agrometeorological resources in order to prevent and minimize the risk situations, as well as to make correct decisions in the immediate term or in perspective.